Reflect & Re-Activate
Happy Sunday! With so much is going on in life and in the world, it’s easy get caught up in it all and forget the basics. Today’s article is all about getting back to basics – that is, your personal goals so you can create the life you want to live.
I’ve been in this reflective mood for about a month now – looking back at the goals I set at the beginning of the year and trying to determine if I still want those goals or if it’s time for a shift. I know it’s the fourth quarter and we should all be scrambling to get our goals done before the end of the year, but unlike calendars, life does not magically end on December 31st and start fresh again on January 1st – it’s a continuum.
So, it’s appropriate to set life goals and not just annual goals, and now is a good time to start.
I like to think of goals with a three-year bucket destination. That’s far out enough so that I can set stretch goals but not too far beyond the realm of possibility so I’m just setting pie-in-the-sky goals that may never happen. The neat thing about having a 3-year destination is that it affords you a lot of flexibility as to how you will get there. For example, if I have a savings goal of $50,000 over the next 3-years, I can opt to save an equal amount each year, save it all in one year, or any other combination. The method doesn’t matter – as long as I keep the end-goal in mind.
And, the same goes for every goal you set. So, I would encourage you to start by creating a picture of where you want to be in 3-years, then develop a plan by working backwards.
My 3-Year Destination Goal
One of my 3-year destination goals is to create a profitable, sustainable business. After creating a plan, I started the business this year and put the basic components in place so that I can work on growing the business for the remainder of 3-years and beyond. However, growing a business is tough and there’s not really a manual to follow because each business is so unique. That’s one of the reasons why I’m floundering a bit and questioning if I should stay the course I set or shift. At the end of the day, I will most likely stay the course because the course I set is based on years of research and experience. My big stumbling block is building relationships and some things just can’t be rushed. As a new business owner in a new state with few acquaintances, I should know better. And, I’m working on it.
Note to Self: Practice Patience so you can stay on track.
Want help creating a plan for your goals? Schedule a complimentary call with me and let’s discuss some specifics for you. DM me or visit my website ( and complete a request form.